Vision & Mission


The Mission Statement of the organization is seeking to purposefully create and manage opportunities for connection and communication across sectorial, identity and geographical boundaries to promote social and sustainable integrated development by enhancing capacity to network.


Central to our activities is the epoch when civil society organizations and popular networks are sufficiently empowered-economically, materially, politically, culturally, socially and technologically -to take greater control of and determine confidently the direction and scope of their own development.

Aims and Objectives

The general aim of the organization is to promote sustainable and social integrated development by assisting and advising community development practitioners, voluntary groups and communities in need, popular networks, and individuals seeking for social and sustainable development, to identify, mobilize and gain access to right sources of resources to enable them access and benefit from good education, health, environment, vocational training, credit, microfinance, cultural diversity and charitable support toward the development of a better world.

In pursuit of its mission, vision and aims, Elizka Relief Foundation has the following functions: –

Coordination: in a proactive manner; define and articulate a pan‐African position on key strategic and global sustainable development issues to:

  • advocate for Africa at global meetings pertaining to sustainable development and coordinate and harmonize policies and programs in Africa with relation to sustainable development
  • forge linkages between African civil society organizations, institutions and organizations across the globe
  • develop mechanisms to deal with Africa’s sustainable development problems and
  • monitor and evaluate the impact of sustainable development research at the African regional level.

Advocacy and Resource mobilization:

  • coordinate donor efforts and inputs in Africa’s sustainable development research activities through identification and interaction with key players in the donor community and their programs, and to grant conditions through the development of strategies for effectively and efficiently dealing with these key players
  • advocacy of African needs and aspirations at international meetings
  • liaise with advocacy groups and research institutions in developed countries that conduct research to solve problems in Africa
  • build coalitions with key stakeholders and advocacy groups on Africa’s sustainable development activities and
  • pro‐actively identify issues likely to affect Africa’s sustainable development and develop strategies or mobilize capacity to deal with them.

Promote exchange of information, technology and human resources at the pan‐Africa Level through the following:

  • promote awareness of regional and global issues such as genetically modified foods, intellectual property rights, globalization, available technologies, human rights, education, health, etc.
  • document for use in advocacy functions, sustainable development issues, processes and its significance in Africa and
  • document and disseminate “best practices” in sustainable development issues.