What We do

Real development is impossible without consideration of the environment and without taking into account local social and cultural values, and enabling stakeholder participation.

Addressing the issue of how to respect the “inner limit” of satisfying fundamental human needs within the “outer limit” of Earth’s carrying capacity is the core principle of our sphere of activities.

The organization ensures to work towards the direction of the five agreements which were made during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro which are as follows:

  • Agenda 21

A global plan of action for sustainable development, containing over 100 programme areas, ranging from trade and environment, through agriculture and desertification to capacity building and technology transfer

  • The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development

A statement of 27 key principles to guide the integration of environment and development policies (including the polluter pays, prevention, precautionary and participation principles)

  • The Statement of Principles on Forests

The first global consensus on the management, conservation and sustainable development of the world’s forest.

  • The Framework Convention on Climate Change

A legally-binding agreement to stabilize greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at levels that will not upset the global climate system

  • The Convention on Biological Diversity

A legally-binding agreement to conserve the world’s genetic, species and ecosystemdiversity and share the benefits of its use in a fair and equitable way.

Moreover; the organization promotes sustainable development which aims at achieving a quality of life that can be maintained for many generations because it is:

  • Socially desirable, fulfilling people’s cultural, material and spiritual needs in equitable ways.
  • Economically viable, paying for itself, with costs not exceeding income, and Ecologically sustainable, maintaining the long-term

The organization’s overall sustainable development programme optimizes the realization of the society’s many and different social, environmental and economic objectives at one and the same time through an adaptive process of integration, whilst striking bargains (trade-offs) among the different interest groups concerned.

Elizka Relief Foundation also supports the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.